More often than not I set out to blog about something which I have a vague idea about what to write. I open the edit post only to realize the idea is not concrete enough, I do not know how to start the write up, or how its flow should be. I think for a while and then either write or totally discard the idea of writing. It happens to be the later case more often than the earlier case. Because of this, most of the ideas/thoughts are just lost. This happens to a lot of people, they get an idea which lingers in their mind, they think about it for a while, and get to a point where it is matured enough to put in paper, only to realize that they dont have good words to put it. They think that they can come back to write it down with better words. Yes, they would come back with better words only to realize that they forgot their original idea in entirety.
I used to be the same person. It is the same case for most of us. We need to be more proactive about this shortcoming and change our attitude a bit. I did mine when I read this phrase in a book by name "Living like Da Vinci" where it says "Write drunk, edit sober." The key point to what it says is, the idea is more important than how you put it. It is easier to come back and edit the words than to come back with changed idea. Idea should always be written down in whatever kind of words that come to your mind. Forget about grammatical mistake, forget about spelling mistakes. Just keep writing. Just get the complete idea out. There always time to come back and edit the words, but not the idea.
So my friends, I advise this to all of you, if you get an idea, no matter how small or big, put it on paper, even if it is just couple of words. There is always time to come back and enrich it and the words.
By the way, I wrote this post drunk now :) Let me see if I come back and edit it sober.
P.S: Trivia: Apparently only 10% of idea ever make onto paper, even in the worst form.