Saturday, August 8, 2009

Agatha Christi novels!

Hello people!It's been a while since I bogged! Hope I biog more often.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I realized that my vocabulary going down, deteriorate slowly and steadily. I realized that I need to do something about it. That's when I realized that it has been so Long since I read a good novel (read it has a novel). I remember my English professor at university say that people who read more often has better vocabulary and sentence creation. So I decided to need novels. I am very find of reading anything that can stimulate me. Then I remembered Pairot who always says "Little grey cells!" So I decided to need Agatha's novels.
Two weeks and I am done with two and a half novels. The once I read are:
  • The Death on Nile
  • Murder on the links.
  • Murder of Roger Ackroyd
of the three, the last one had a very interesting ending.
Death on the Nile, it was pretty obvious from the beginning who the culprits are. But I wasn't ask to put together all tm details to prove them as culprits.
Murder on the links, even though I was able to guess the murderer, it did take a lot of deliberation to arrive at it.
murder of Roger Ackroyd, all along I was dole to guns that nom of the people really at the household were the murderers, but it did come to me as a jolt who the murderer was. I never even considered that person could be the culprit.
Anyway, it has been a lot of fun reading Agatha Christi's novels. She has a knack of giving you the facts and yet leave the interpretation to the reader until she reveals the mystery. Its been great fun to employ my little grey cells to solve and put the facts in an order. Its been fun taking an hour everyday to employ my grey cells. Hope to finish her series this year.


Rocky said...

Good one. I should start reading novels again. It's been a really long time that I read one.

suresh said...

hehe, its not really long time that i read one, it is really long time *since* i read one :p