Hello All, Happy Sankranti to all. Happy Pongal to all. For people who dont know what pongal/sankranti is, it is a festival celebrated in India, mostly southern parts of India to celebrate the harvest. It is one of the festivals that is not directly linked to any religious reasons. It is too much of fun, where girls mostly indulge themselves in coming up with interesting rangolis ( also called rangavallika, muggu etc. See the picture for an example) and guys fly kites. Lot of great food, general fun times. I love this festival.
Anyway, here is my celebrations for the year 2008. The muggu follows and then a poem that I wrote about Sankranti the next (actually I wrote the poem an year ago, just posting it now). For those people who think the poem doesnt make sense, it is in a language called Telugu :)

inTi mundu muggulu, andulO gobbemmalu,
inTilo muddu gummalu, vaaritO muddulaaTalu,
ningilO gaalipaTaalu, gunDelO anni aaSalu,
bayaTa haridaasula gaanaalu, lOpala pillala gOlalu,
avatala Du Du basavannala aaTalu, ivatala mana vaaLLa pEkaaTalu,
vanTinTlo raka rakaala vanTakaalu, inni viSEshaalu unnave sankrAnti sambaraalu.