Sunday, January 31, 2010

Random Act of Kindness

 I was browsing live journal website when I came across the question: " when was the last time you did any random act of kindness?" The question caught my attention. I kept thinking about it. If was with great difficulty I could figure out what, of all the acts of kindness (if I did any), will be considered random?
 First I thought donating to Haiti relief fund would qualify for random act of kindness. It in act of kindness, yes; but in it random? I knew about Haiti, I read about it, I heard about it on radio, I saw the disaster on TU. I knew about it and hence helped it. It wasn't random after all.
Then I thought of the concert I attended which was part of fund raising campaign for Association forIndia's Development. A friend of mine was organizing it. Again I couldn't convince myself that this was random. If it wasn't for the friend I wouldn't have attended the concert nor would I have caned about that organization.
 Still thinking about random act of kindness landed me with two acts which can be random. First , a couple of months ago I wrote a biog on helping people with managing and lowering taxes by suggesting things they can do at the end of year.Read about it here.I had no obligation to waste it nor any advantage of doing so. But I sure hope it helped the people who read it. I guess this act can be considered random act of kindness.
 Second, a year ago when I was moving my apartment I had loads of clothes , some books and ass that I no longer use, but are in great condition. I was about to throw away since I no longer needed them. Instead I donated the clothes to Goodwill, books to a library and CDs to friends. I figured out that there are people for whom books and clothes were luxury. I truly wish they get what they want. And I sure hope this can be called random act of kindness.
What was your last random act of kindness?

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